Time for Change

Hello my name is Jerry Desormeaux and I am running for council for the Ward 5 district. I'm a business owner and a concerned taxpayer like everyone else. I decided to run because of the way our current mayor and council have ran this city. There is a lack of leadership the constant mis spending of our hard earn money and tax dollars its time to stop. We need new faces new blood new ideas to move our city forward. I'm here as a business owner and its time we ran the city like a business rather than a charity. I want to invest our dollars into attracting new doctors to our community, job growth, new industry affordable housing for our seniors and families and cleaning up our downtown core. Lets move forward on the entertainment district but be buget conscious on spending. Take on one project at a time and not burden taxpayers with more cost we are out of money. There are so many issues to deal with in our city people and business owners I spoke with agree. We need to address the on going eye sore of the old hospital either we make the current owners build or remove the whole building completely. Thanks for listening I will have more in the following weeks. Please feel free to follow my facebook posting. Jerry Desormeaux Ward 5 I'm not going to sugar coat its time for change its time to move our city forward I can be reached anytime for more information and I would like to hear your feed back and concerns for our city. Kind Regards Jerry Desormeaux Candidate for Ward 5

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peter Glass Follow Me
I strongly believe as the rest of you we need change at city hall ! After all this is our very city and we have and want to live here by choose! But the direction we are going in the past 4 long years, it is getting harder to even enjoy our homes due to the high taxes we pay, and for what ! To be forced out of them because city hall is out of control ! Because we allow for mismanagement and accountability ? Well we all have to step up top the very plate this election and speak up loud and very clear ! This is the very most important election in the history of our very city !! Believe it or not, it is !! Only you can make the changes happen as you say you want !! ONLY YOU and your vote ! Candidates as Dan Melanson for Mayor and Bob Johnston Ward 1 and PAUL STOPCIATI WARD 9 , and Fern Cormier ward 10 and Terry Kett ward 11 and Joscelyne Landry-Altmann ward 12 along with Jerry Desormeaux ward 5 along with retuning Michael Vagnini and Gerry Montpellier get that job done for us as a city of whole ! If we do not elect a proven team, nothing will be changed and it will be back to square one and the very same as the last 4 long years of BIGGER **** !! do you want that ?? Better think of supporting the ""PEOPLE'S CHOICE "" list of only the very best to clean up city hall first, then move on to running this city as it nshould be !!
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